Traits of a Java Software Developer
- Mastery of version control system
- Check out
- Check in
- see which files you modified or created
- Add new files to version control
- Branch
- Merge branch into trunk
- Revert changes
- Rename files in version control
- Ant / Mavan
- Be able to read a build script
- copy target
- jar, war, compile, deploy, test, targets
- Charting
- Create pi-charts, bar-charts from Java objects using JFreeChart
- Put tool-tip or hover on certain parts of the graph
- Custom axis labels and ranges
- Use Google charts to serve up images in web pages.
- Database
- Create a table with a PK, required, default values with data types of int, boolean, varchar, date, timestamp,
- Insert data into tables,
- Create foreign-key constraints
- Sort in ASC or DESC order by one or more fields
- Filter
- Join (inner, outer, left and right outer joins)
- Common syntax in MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle,
- Create index, composite index,
- query db to get count
- query db to get a list of items
- Update or or more rows in db
- bind int, bool, double, string, date, timestamp data types
- Call a stored proc
- closing statements and connections.
- connection pools
- Java
- Interface vs. Class vs. abstract class,
- enum
- regex pattern matching (java.util.regex)
- Guru of collections.
- Web applications
- cookie management from servlets
- response encoding for PDF and GIF and TXT, HTML
- Form based authentication
- Authenticating against a DB or a LDAP realm
- Redirects,
- HTTP response codes
- Servlet threading model
- Logging
- Log4J configuration
- Logging in production vs. development
- Log rotation
- Basic grep knowledge to find info in logs
- Debugging
- Remote debugging using Eclipse, Idea, NetBeans
- Change var values on the fly to simulate certain conditions
- Wireshark, Firebug, Temper to monitor HTTP request and response
- Cause an error, deliberately throw an exception of your choice to ensure proper handling.
- Deployment
- manage a Tomcat deployment
- Package a war
- Deploy
- Basic Unix commands
- chmod, chown, grep, find, scp, ssh,
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